Fun Photo Friday: Coal for the Naughty List

meme of santa giving coal to bad kids, old fashioned look, solar panel with bow

I love this image and look forward to sharing it every holiday season! Puts a whole new twist on "bad boys and girls get a lump of coal in their stockings." Can you tell I work in the solar business, am a solar owner, and am a big advocate of clean energy? Give yourself or … Continue reading Fun Photo Friday: Coal for the Naughty List

Fun Photo Friday: Christmas Tree of Books

christmas tree made of books

This week's Fun Friday Photo comes courtesy of Tracy Buchanan. Fire safety concerns aside, what a great idea! Books come in all dimensions, which can be a pain when you're organizing your bookshelf. But those differences recede into the background when you use the books to build a Christmas tree. And, much like a real … Continue reading Fun Photo Friday: Christmas Tree of Books