Fun Photo Friday: Introverts, Unite!

cartoon comic on introverts

This Friday's Fun Photo is highly amusing to me. Hopefully it is also funny to introverts around the world and maybe even extroverts. 🙂 I find people fascinating and I generally love interacting with them, albeit in small groups. But my daughter once told me the true definition of an introvert is someone who recharges … Continue reading Fun Photo Friday: Introverts, Unite!

How to Re-organize Your Bookshelf Using (Il)logical Categories

vintage classic books from author s.m. stevens bookshelf

Moving to a new home, as I recently did, means a fresh start at one’s bookshelf — a chance to wander through the collection, re-visit old friends, and maybe pluck out a few titles that have fallen out of favor and deserve a more loving home. It’s also a time to re-organize your books in … Continue reading How to Re-organize Your Bookshelf Using (Il)logical Categories